September Visitors by David Budbill

September Visitorsby David BudbillI'm glad to see our friends come:talk, laughter, food, wine.I'm glad to see our friends go:solitude, emptiness, gardens,autumn wind."September Visitors" by David Budbill, from Happy Life. © Copper Canyon Press, 2011....

Trying to catch up…

Wow. I've been editing Slider's Son every spare second, so I haven't taken time to blog for ten days. So much to say, and so little time.Rainbow theme:First, Kirstin Cronn-Mills was on a panel last night at the loft, discussing GLBT YA literature, and the evening...

Maybe half ??? done with this edit of Slider's Son. I hope.  It always takes longer than I anticipate.I'm trying hard to write, do necessary schoolwork, and get out on my bike at least a little bit while the weather is so perfect.Tonight, I had a short ride, but...


A long weekend ahead. I'm glad. After one meeting, I can do my own stuff. I got the last of my readers' comments back on Slider's Son, so I can throw my heart into the rewrite of this novel. It's interesting how readers disagree, yet when there's a general thread that...

WIldlife Summer

I've gotten quite a few miles in this summer on my bike. Thank goodness. One of my favorite things about that--besides simply being on the bike--is being so in touch with the wildlife around me, as well as the evolving season. This summer, the wildlife highlight was...

The Latest News


My novel Slider’s Son has been published by North Star Press! Get it here.

Stay tuned for events near you!

Steph Borklund has completed the short film based on my novel Chasing AllieCat! It’s being submitted to film festivals and contests. Stay tuned for news!



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