
So I took the plunge and filled out an application for a Newfoundland puppy. If I get one, shell arrive the second weekend in October. OMG! Look how cute they are.http://www.bwkennelsmn.com/CurrentPuppies.htmlBack to schoolwork.And I have to get a ride in today. It...

School, riding…

So far, my students this semester ROCK!I've had two really good classes--Children's Lit. and Composition, and both groups seem alive and engaged. My comp class had no trouble--each and every one of them--verbalizing something about which they are passionate. So Yippee...

school, riding, and dogs

I miss my dogs. Snickers and TommyBean are ever present because they're NOT present at home. I miss them.Rode 134 miles all total yesterday and today. A couple wonderful rides. I'm still thinking about the 24 hour race next June.School starts TOMORROW. Wow. The summer...

setting goals…writing, riding…

I had a bad, discouraging conversation with my agent last week, and I've had a really hard time writing since then. Finally, today, working my butt off outside (mowing, trimming, pulling weeds) and indoors ( painted a room and shampooed carpets this week)...plus rode...

Random stuff

I got a new computer for my bike. It's Aug. 11, and I've ridden 383 miles this month. Not too bad. I think I'll get 5000 in again this season, which is my best summer for a few years.I'm a great aunt! My brother is a grandpa. Ethan William Fjelland came into the world...

School looms ahead–and Children's Lit.

So, I dread the beginning of school all summer. But now that it's looming up a couple weeks away, and I started working on my brand-new class--Special Topics in Lit.: Children's Lit.--I actually felt a twinge of excitement to teach this fall. I'm pretty thrilled to...

The Latest News


My novel Slider’s Son has been published by North Star Press! Get it here.

Stay tuned for events near you!

Steph Borklund has completed the short film based on my novel Chasing AllieCat! It’s being submitted to film festivals and contests. Stay tuned for news!



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