Screenplay first draft–check
Well, the screenplay of Chasing AllieCat is written to completion--as in the first draft. I've written what I can write until I get feedback from Steph, the Director/Producer who wants to make this film and has all the movie experience. She'll go through it and make...
13 years ago yesterday, John Updike died
John Updike is dead. How can such a mind, such a spirit be no longer in the world? The eternal mystery. It doesn't seem possible. It was 13 years ago, but since he made such a huge impact on me as a reader and a writer, I wanted to remember him, 13 years after the...
That time of year…Shakespeare
That time of year thou may’st in me behold…
Facebook memories…
Facebook memories... ON THIS DAY 2 years ago 29 November 2019 Becky Fjelland Brooks Shared with Public 6-12-24 Hour World Time Trial Championships is with Becky Fjelland Brooks....
Mankato Magazine
I feel strangely obligated to share the link to this month's Mankato Magazine. I'm self-conscious about it because I'm on the cover. But Robb Murray did a really nice job with the article he wrote. I've known Robb for years, but we realized, as we sat on my front...
State of Terror by Louise Penny and Hillary Rodham Clinton
I am a huge Louise Penny fan, as I've already explained, but I was a bit nervous stepping into this story. I loved it. Of course, Clinton's pot shots at our former president he-who-must-not-be-named hit the mark almost too accurately, but why not? When the shoe...
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