Girl Meets Boy gets press

Girl Meets Boy gets press at ChronicleAND here's the trailer...At least I wrote a story that is getting some press and PR. Don't care if my name isn't front and center...I'm in there, and I like my story...along with most of the others in this book. Great interview...

10 things it's hard to do one-handed

10 things it's hard to do one-handed

Especially when your dominant hand is in a clumsy cast.1. Squeeze shampoo into your hand (while one hand is encased in a garbage bag, taped and vaselined into waterproofness while in a cast and held over your head to avoid leakage), close shampoo, and distribute...

Finally. A good review in VOYA.

Finally. A good review in VOYA.

Finally. I wrote something that got a good review in VOYA.  Kerry's story, "Mars at Night," is the one I wrote. So glad I AM working on that novel! ·VOYA (Voice of Youth Activates) Review 1/1/2012 "In this collection of six vignettes, readers experience both...

Girl Meets Boy study guide

Girl Meets Boy study guide

A study guide out from Chronicle for GirlMeetsBoy!My story in this book, "Mars at Night" is about the same characters as are in the novel I'm working on now. Fun to see Kerry and Rafi out in the world.


(to me):  "Do you have a punch-card at the orthopedist?"(another presenter at the conference today): "My mother told me I was the kind of little boy she didn't want me to play with." "I'm an illlustrator. Can I draw this story instead of writing it?"(me): "Well,...

Moon over UNIMIN

Moon over UNIMIN

Moon Over UNIMENI took a break from grading and walked the Kasota Prairie when the sun was setting. The sunset is pretty amazing over the hills and the wetland.  And, note, there's a BEAR on the prairie, too. 🙂  Freya, who was crazy-wound-up that night....

The Latest News


My novel Slider’s Son has been published by North Star Press! Get it here.

Stay tuned for events near you!

Steph Borklund has completed the short film based on my novel Chasing AllieCat! It’s being submitted to film festivals and contests. Stay tuned for news!



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