Thoughts on crashing and riding again

Thoughts on crashing and riding again

On Labor Day I crashed on my bike. I crashed hard. Hard. I was riding in a group of about 20 guys. After a nice little loop around Minneopa, we had come back into town on Carney, which is newly paved and smooth riding. For this reason, guess I wasn’t being...
Why I love my Newf

Why I love my Newf

Here’s a story about what my Newfoundland Freya did this morning… I haven’t written for a bit because school started and because last week, I crashed hard on my bike during a delightfully fun group ride and broke my shoulder blade, collarbone, and...

"From South Central College to South Africa"

“From South Central College to South Africa” is the name of my story about our trip to South Africa that came out in the Mankato Magazine this week.  The biggest problem  when working on the story was cutting it down to fit the magazine!  It could have...
"The Best of Hank and Rita"

"The Best of Hank and Rita"

A “Barroom Operetta” is how “The Best of Hank and Rita” is billed. A barroom operetta. How would you approach that, exactly? Expecting belly laughs and raucous, maybe raunchy humor? I didn’t read much about it beyond the P.R. postcard. I...
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