

The semester is winding down. Five weeks to go. I’ve had some wonderful classes this past week. In the South Africa class, people opened up and we had the best discussion we’ve had all semester. It makes me happy, happy, happy about the people who will be...


This story used to be available through a link under “Stories,” but I took it down when Mankato Magazine bought it. Here’s the link to the story. Scroll to pages 26-27 after it...

Freya and daddy Yukon

Can you tell these two apart? Freya is on the left, and her daddy, Yukon, is on the right. She hasn’t seen her daddy since I brought her home six years ago. My friend Sharon and her Newfie Fogo, Freya, and I are plotting a trip to Embarrass, MN to see Yukon and...
Is it SPRING!?

Is it SPRING!?

It’s SPRING! Or at least, in Minnesota, it feels like spring. We’ve had two days of mornings that are above freezing, after weeks of sub-zero or near-zero mornings. This is heaven. What does that mean? I get to put away the trainer for the most part, and...
Joseph Mbele visits South Central College

Joseph Mbele visits South Central College

Today, Joseph Mbele spoke to seventy-eight people in the Conference Center at South Central College. He talked about the concepts in his book, Africans and Americans: Embracing Cultural Differences and  about the challenges writing about Africans and Americans in a...

The spring term is in full swing. It feels as if we’ve just started, but we have completed six weeks! In spite of how much work it is to teach, time flies. I was so good at blogging a few times a week during sabbatical. Not so now, elbow-deep in papers to read...
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