Well, the screenplay of Chasing AllieCat is written to completion–as in the first draft. I’ve written what I can write until I get feedback from Steph, the Director/Producer who wants to make this film and has all the movie experience. She’ll go through it and make lots of suggestions, I’m sure! I don’t feel very confident about it, but I do feel like it captures the story and right now, it’s as good as I can get it without some feedback. I wrote it and went back through it a few times, making notes and then editing. 

This software I’m using, WriterDuet, is awesome (Thank you, Prairie Lakes Regional Arts Council, for the grant so I could by the professional version of this software). It has a “Read aloud” function that assigns different voices to different characters. Even though the voices only can use computer-monotone expression, it’s amazingly helpful to hear the characters speak aloud. Hearing the words aloud, some lines fall ridiculously short of effective. It’s a terrific editing tool! 

So now, I let this rest and am digging into the book I wrote before the pandemic hit. 

As I mentioned before, I wrote not a paragraph of fiction during the pandemic. I spent every possible computer moment prepping courses to put them online, grading, and writing up quizzes and content that I used to administer in class, face-to-face. Even all summer, when I usually write, I was busy putting content online.  Putting all my usually interactive classes online was a monster job. And it made me ever-so-ready to retire.

So that’s the gift in all that. Retirement from teaching! So here I am. For the first time in my life, I’m a full-time writer. And so the book I’m working on today is tentatively titled Who the Frack is Maddie Jackson? We’ll see how that goes… 

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