True to form, I turned grades in at midnight last night (yeah, they were due at midnight). I actually hit “post” for the final class about 12 minutes after 12. But I’m done.

I got up this morning, and for the first time since January, there wasn’t anything I was supposed to be grading. Wow. What a weight off.

So. I have a couple hours only until we leave for Land-to-Air, and off to the airport. I even got three hours of sleep!  I have a terrific group of students going on this trip. Their excitement is infectious. I have a feeling that when we return, when we present programs about our trip, everybody in Mankato is going to jump onto a plane to South Africa.

Anyway, I have been so buried in school work that I haven’t written for almost a month! Too long! I’ll try to blog whenever we have internet as we travel, but I may have to do all the catching up when we return.

Appropriately, this is my morning mug. Here we go!


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