by Rebecca Fjelland Davis | Mar 2, 2014 | Writing for Children, Writing for kids, Writing for YA
AWP: Our panel, “What I Wish I’d Known Before I Started Writing for Children and Young Adults,” seemed like a success. At least we had a good time. It seemed as if our audience did. At least there wasn’t much shuffling, squirming, and reading...
by Rebecca Fjelland Davis | Jan 30, 2014 | Writing
Freya carries in a blanket of snow. I try to grab her with a big towel before she shakes.Writing this morning before school. Going to try to hop on the trainer for a bit, too.Rafi and Maddie, the characters in the novel I’m working on, have me hooked and all I...
by Rebecca Fjelland Davis | Mar 14, 2013 | Writing, Young Writers
Yesterday (March 13), I presented at the SCSC Young Writers’ Conference for 7-9th graders. I did the keynote opening program about “From Here to There by Way of the Zoo,” subtitled, “Prairie-Dogging Your Way to a Story,” using animal...
by Rebecca Fjelland Davis | Jun 23, 2011 | Book Events, Writing
Gearing up for some book events in July. New Ulm Public Library has a cool website. I’m there on July 15.This is my birthday week, so on my birthday yesterday, I rode 55 miles — Eeek. That’s a mile for every year. Muddy, wet, rainy, windy, puddles,...
by Rebecca Fjelland Davis | Jun 20, 2011 | Writing
So, this morning…it’s raining and Freya went outside to do her business and came RIGHT back in before she finished. At least we know she’s smart enough to come in out of the rain. When the rain let up, she ran way out into the cornfield to do it!...
by Rebecca Fjelland Davis | May 12, 2011 | Writing
This is the time of year that feels impossibly stretched in a bunch of directions. I’m like a sheet of hide (though much, much, much, MUCH thicker), stretched in so many directions and staked out, pulled until I can’t breathe. So what am I doing? Writing a...
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