Marla’s funeral was something. A real tribute to an amazing woman, rather than a weeping and wailing mourning service. I saw people I hadn’t seen for 34 years, and had to introduce myself to lots of people.

Some of you know, I’m working on a memoir about my life as a Pastor’s Wife. That chapter of my life ended twenty years ago; however, the effects of it linger…I don’t feel as if there are any lasting negative effects, once I got over my guilt for leaving the life.

Now, I think the effects are simply that I think seriously about spiritual matters. I can’t take them lightly, even though sometimes I’d like to. I read any essay by Julia Sweeney (thanks, Stever), and many of her struggles were exactly parallel to mine. Her final conclusion is that there can be no god. I guess I still struggle with reaching that final conclusion, but I’m thinking about it a lot. Maybe I’ll keep you posted!

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